The Knowledge Worker Desktop
Learn about the privileges of a back-office agent
If you are working as a Knowledge Worker agent, you use the Knowledge Worker desktop, which is configured by your manager.
To log in to the Knowledge Worker desktop:
- Log in to the agent desktop.
- From the Desktop Mode drop-down list, select Knowledge Worker.
The Knowledge Worker desktop has the following display options:
Agent Panel + Extended Panel: Displays the Agent Panel and additional widgets within the same screen.
The example below shows the Knowledge Worker desktop with Contact Notes, Contact History, Contact Details, Atent Productivity, Time Distribution, and Term Code Distribution widgets displayed within the Extended Panel (in tab format).This configuration, including widget layout, format (tile or tab), order, and state, is set by your manager to help optimize your daily tasks.
Agent Panel + Designer Panel: Displays the Agent Panel and Designer Panel within the same screen.
The example below shows the Knowledge Worker desktop with the Scheduler and Work Queue pages displayed within the Designer Panel.A manager sets this configuration using the Designer tool, which is part of the Contact Center for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) feature. The configured components can include performance statistics and targeted scripts to assist you when performing specific tasks.
For information about setting up the Knowledge Worker desktop, see the Extended Panel and Designer Panel topics.