Understanding Contact Manager Fields
All the fields and columns that appear on the various tabs of a contact record and what they mean
Contact Manager on the Smartreach Portal contains a wide range of terminologies, each with its own unique definitions.
General Tab
Field | Description |
Account | Account number of the customer. This field can contain an alphanumeric value. Do not enter a space or a special character in the field. |
Account To Speak | Account number of the customer that is used for calling or messaging. |
Original Account Number | Alternate account number, which is different from the unique account identifier that is within your platform. |
Salutation | Salutation to address the customer. |
First Name | First name of the customer. |
Last Name | Last name of the customer. |
Guarantor First Name | First name of the guarantor of the customer. |
Guarantor Last Name | Last name of the guarantor of the customer. |
DOB | Date of birth of the customer. |
B Active | Indicates if the customer is available for calling or messaging. |
SSN | Social security number of the customer. |
Department | Department of the customer. |
Description | Description of the contact. |
Title | Title of the customer. |
Address 1 | Primary address of the customer. |
Address 2 | Secondary address of the customer. |
City | City of the primary address. |
State | State of the primary address. |
Zip/Postal Code | ZIP Code or postal code of the primary address. |
Country | Country of the primary address. |
Happiness Index | Indicates how the customer is currently feeling, as represented by an emoticon. |
Happiness Trend | Indicates how the customer's Happiness Index state is trending based on the last interaction. |
Happiness Last Updated | Indicates how the Happiness Index has changed for a specific customer over a period of time. |
Payment Balance | Payment balance of the customer. |
Amount To Speak | Amount required from the customer. |
Account Due Date | Payment due date for the customer. |
Group | Group assigned to the customer. |
Agent | Agent assigned to the customer. |
Agent Team | Agent team assigned to the customer. |
Channels Tab
Field/Column | Description |
Do Not Contact | Indicates if the customer is added to the Do Not Call (DNC) list permanently—that is, if the customer cannot be contacted through any channel permanently. |
Do Not Contact Today | Indicates if the customer is added to the Do Not Call (DNC) list for the current day—that is, if the customer cannot be contacted through any channel for the current day. |
SMS | Indicates if the SMS campaign is enabled for the customer. |
Indicates if the email campaign is enabled for the customer. | |
Total Attempts Today | Number of calls attempted on all phone numbers of the customer on the current day. |
Total Attempts Lifetime | Number of calls attempted on all phone numbers of the customer until the current day. |
Type | Type of phone number for the customer. For example, the type Phone 1 indicates the first position for a phone number. Similarly, Phone 10 indicates the tenth position for a phone number. You can add up to 10 phone numbers for a customer. |
Phone Number | Phone number for the corresponding type (that is, in the corresponding position). |
Attempts Today | Number of calls attempted on the phone number on the current day. |
Attempts Lifetime | Number of calls attempted on the phone number until the current day. |
Do Not Contact | Indicates if the phone number is added to the Do Not Call (DNC) list permanently. |
Do Not Contact Today | Indicates if the phone number is added to the Do Not Call (DNC) list only for the current day. |
SMS Consent | Indicates if SMS messages are permitted to be sent to the phone number. If the customer responds to an SMS message sent to the corresponding phone number with a pre-configured opt-out keyword, this checkbox is automatically cleared for the number, indicating that SMS messages are no longer permitted to be sent to that number. If the customer responds to an SMS message sent to the corresponding phone number with a pre-configured opt-in keyword, this checkbox is automatically selected for the number. |
Cell Consent | Indicates if calls are permitted to be made to the phone number. |
Email Address | Email address of the customer. |
Email Consent | Indicates if emails are permitted to be sent to the specified email address of the customer. If the customer manually unsubscribes from an email, or if the email address is removed from the Email Address field, this checkbox is automatically cleared, indicating that emails are no longer permitted to be sent to the email address. If the customer manually subscribes to an email, this checkbox is automatically selected. |
Contact Details Tab
Column | Description |
Columns | Custom field to store additional information about the customer. |
Value | Value for the corresponding custom field. |
Encrypted Fields Tab
Column | Description |
Columns | Custom encrypted fields to store encrypted information about the customer. |
Value | Value for the corresponding custom encrypted field. |
Column | Description |
Create Date | Date and time when the note was created. |
Modify Date | Date and time when the note was modified. |
Note | Content of the note. |
Interactions Tab
Column | Description |
View | Icon to access an interaction (that is, to listen to a call or to view a chat, email, or SMS thread). |
Call Center | Call center associated with the interaction. |
Service | Service associated with the interaction. |
Name | First name of the customer associated with the interaction. |
Original Account Number | Account number associated with the interaction. |
Phone | Phone number associated with the interaction. |
Agent | Name of the agent involved in the interaction. |
Date | Day and date when the interaction occurred. |
Start | Start time of the interaction. |
End | End time of the interaction. |
Campaign | Campaign associated with the interaction. |
Caller ID # | Caller ID associated with the interaction. |
Outcome | Outcome of the interaction. |
Scheduled Callback Tab
Column | Description |
ID | ID of the scheduled callback. |
Phone Number | Phone number to be dialed for the scheduled callback. |
Account | Account associated with the phone number for which a callback is scheduled. |
First Name | First name of the agent who scheduled the callback. |
Last Name | Last name of the agent who scheduled the callback. |
Service ID | ID of the service. |
Service |
Service associated with the scheduled callback. |
Callback Date/Time | Scheduled date and time of the callback. |
Agent ID | ID of the agent responsible for the callback. |
Agent Logon ID | Log in ID of the agent responsible for the callback. |
Agent | Name of the agent responsible for the callback. |
Status | Status of the callback. |
Active | Indicates if the callback is active. |
Created By | ID of the user who created the callback. |
Created On | Date and time when the callback was created. |