Attempt Supervisor Overview
The Attempt Supervisor tool, formerly known as the Phone Dial Attempt Supervisor (PDAS) feature, enables you to set a limit for the maximum number of contact attempts (including voice, email, and SMS together) to an account or to a phone number. This tool adds the call blocking feature to the LiveVox Portal (LVP) using existing Phone Do Not Call (DNC)/ Do Not Dial (DND), Contact DND, and Contact+Phone DND flags. Changing the DNC, DND, and other flags outside of Attempt Supervisor (for example, manually changing these flags) can adversely affect the Attempt Supervisor rules.
To view the Attempt Supervisor tab:
- Log on to the LiveVox Portal. For more information, see Logging on to the LiveVox Portal.
- Go to Configure > Contacts > Attempt Supervisor.
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The Attempt Supervisor screen contains the following tabs:
Rules: You can use the Rules tab to create, manage, and export Attempt Supervisor rules. These rules enable you to set the number of contact attempts to an account or a number. After you reach the set number of attempts, the Attempt Supervisor applies a block that prevents any further contact attempts.
For more information about creating rules, see: Creating Attempt Supervisor Rules
Exclusions: Many users have contact numbers, phone numbers, and email IDs that must not be blocked by the Attempt Supervisor. These are common test contacts, toll-free numbers, or directory assistance phone numbers. You can add these numbers and email IDs in the Exclusions tab so that these are not blocked.
Contact Attempts: The Contact Attempts tab allows you to search all the contact attempts for the contact, phone number, or email ID and the Attempt Supervisor rules that apply.
Rule Contact Counts: The Rule Contact Counts tab allows you to search the contact attempts made, and the remaining attempts for a specific contact, a specific phone number, or a contact-phone combination.
DND: The Do Not Disturb (DND) tab displays all the active and expired blocks for the current day. The Created and Expires fields display the dates and times that each rule was created and is due to expire. If a block has expired, the Removed field shows the date and time the block was removed.
Auditor: The Auditor tab lists all the changes made to the Attempt Supervisor rules, including the creation and deletion of rules. The records are color-coded according to their type. The date of the changes is listed, as well as the configuration values of the rule as it appeared before the change. Bold values indicate a setting that was changed.
For additional information about Attempt Supervisor and creating Attempt Supervisor rules, see the Attempt Supervisor section in the Product Documentation Library.